Helpful Links

San Diego County Building & Construction Trades Council

Provides general information on the San Diego County Building and Construction Trades Council and its affiliated construction and trade unions representing workers in San Diego County.

PLAs Work

Provides an overview of the benefits of project labor agreements, including testimonials and additional resources. 

California State Building & Construction Trades Council of California: Project Labor Agreements

Provides information and updates regarding community hiring agreements throughout California. 

Community Benefits Law Center: Community Benefits Agreements

The Community Benefits Law Center, a project of the Partnership for Working Families, provides legal assistance to community-based efforts to transform local economies. 

Partnership for Working Families: Community Benefits

One of the roles that the Partnership for Working Families plays is to organize, negotiate, and implement precedent-setting community benefits agreements (CBAs) on projects around the country. 


To learn more about implementing a community hiring agreement in your jurisdiction, please contact Gretchen Kinney Newsom, Political Director for the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 569, at gnewsom (at) ibew569 (dot) org or (858) 569-8900 x110.